Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Still Going!

I'M STILL PREGNANT! Are you kidding me? I guess this is what I get for saying and thinking that this one was going to come even sooner then Cooper did. I've decided that he has his dad's personality... that is that he has no worries in the world and will come when he pleases in his time and on his terms. :)
Last night I did have the first true contractions. I have experiences a tightening of my stomach and other contraction like things but none of which truely hurt or were similar to a full blown contraction. But last night I woke up twice in the middle of the night to that wonderful (but not so wonderful) contraction that drops ya. If I wasn't already laying down then it would have dropped me.
But other then that I am not progressed AT ALL... not softened not open nothing. Crazy kid!
So keep looking for his arrival.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Names Please

K I notice that 21% of my name voters have said to use a different name. I need to know what names you suggest. So comment and let me know what names you like.
Thanks... I have added McCoy, Grant, & Wyatt to the list. What do you think?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

More to "Dylan"isms"

I've posted #7 to the "Dylan"isms. Check it out in it's new location right under the post column.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Ooops! I meant 36 but now it is 37.

Guess I do have pregnant head. I keep telling people I am 26 instead of 36 and 27 instead of 37. SO yeah to set it all straight I am now 37 weeks along today. And still no baby.
I have actually been waiting for this day to come. I didn't really want the baby to come any earlier then Cooper came. That just is way to early and could bring all sorts of problems. I have always hoped to make it to full term status.
But now that we are here... bring on the ways to induce labor. Anyone have ideas? Although, even that is tricky right now. I don't really want to have the baby on my birthday (which is the 24th) or our anniversary (which is the 28th) and my brother's birthday is tomorrow. That wouldn't be too bad but still I grew up sharing a birthday with my grandma and it just isn't the same as having your own day.
So I figure he can come today, the 23rd, 25th-27th or anytime after that. Honestly though I am just done and would love for him to come anyday... just get here already.
I do have an induction date set for Feb. 4th so if all else fails there you have it. Wish me luck.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

26 Wks & Counting!

Well he isn't here yet. I know most of you were counting on him being here by now (ok who are we kidding it was me that was counting on him being here by now... LOL but he isn't)
I am not too disappointed. I think physically I am soooo done with being pregnant. But emotionally and mentally I am not ready to have another little guy to take care of. It boggles my mind to think that any day now I could have an almost 3yr., a 15mo. and a newborn that demand my attention. And to think that my primary responsibility will be the newborn makes me worry about the other two. Though I know it will all work out.
So yeah I just thought I would throw out an update for those that are wondering. We are technically 25 wks. and 6 days. So about this time next week I might start doing all those crazy things that pregnant woman do at then end to try and induce labor. If you have any good suggestions I am all ears.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy Holidays

It has been crazy around here. One thing after another and yet life still manages to go on.
This holiday season has been simple... Simply Crazy! LOL. No but really between Christmas parties, gift giving (friends and work... oh wait we haven't gotten ours out yet),Kendrick coming, all the hustle and bustle of Christmas shopping, and then just as Christmas Day calms down and is over... we start over again. Kendrick then leaves for Arizona (which is always hard) and then my brother Travis came home from his mission and is now living with us (that is fun) and then New Year's Day (which happens to be today).
Today we took down all the Christmas stuff and cleaned the house (well kinda it still feels filthy) and oh wait did I mention that our baby could come anytime now.
Technically we have another month. I am trying really hard to not count on the fact that the other two came early and be patient. But YEAH I wasn't born or taught patience so we are still working on it.
So I guess with all that Happy New Year everyone. I hope you had a great Christmas Holiday and are looking forward to a great New Year. Keep checking for updates and someday soon we will have a Baby update.